Monday 11 May 2009

Friday 23 January 2009

survey wooot!

The Ultimate Get To Know You Survey

Name?: Stacey Louise Bailey
Birthplace?: Lewisham
Current Location?: Sam's sofa
Hometown?: Maidstone
Nationality?: British
Eye Color?: Blue
Hair Color?: Black-ish
Height?: 5'5
Glasses or contacts?: neither
Piercings or tattoos?: both!
Single or taken:?: Single but married ;)
Siblings names (if any)?: Jaimie, Lintie-Michelle, Peter, Yasmine, James
Right Handed or Left Handed?: Right mainly but I'm good with both
Any pets?: Nope
Your greatest strength?: Creativity
Your Weakness?: self-consciousness
Your parents names?: Mick and Doreen
Favorite color?: All of them
Favorite flower?: snapdragons
Favorite college basketball team?: who cares?!
5 favorite movies and one you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?: I am Sam, Superbad, P.S I love you, Saw II, Connie and Carla....Titanic!!
Favorite holiday?: L.A!
Favorite physical feature on yourself?: The little mole on my face...ha!
Your favorite pizza toppings?: Just LOTS of cheese
Favorite alcoholic drink of choice?: Pernod
Favorite guilty pleasure?: Alcohol and hot sex
Your favorite lunch meat?: chicken
Favorite non-sexual thing to do with a girl/guy?: cuddle/ just make eachother laugh!
Favorite place to eat a romantic dinner?: outside under the stars
Favorite season?: Summer
Favorite cartoon character?: Tigger
Your favorite food?: Dunno....there are too many!
Favorite Ice cream flavor?: Chocolate and Vanilla, and Cookie dough!
Favorite subject(s) in school?: Chemistry
Favorite candy?: Don't really eat much...but I like millions!
Favorite breakfast cereal?: coco pops/frosties
Favorite person in your life?: Sam! ha :P And all of my lovely family
Favorite book of all time?: The da vinci code, Harry potter
Favorite song?: it always changes....atm Fighter by Christina Aguilera
You favorite park?: Theme Park?? Disney World!!
Favorite place to be?: L.A or anywhere with you my dahling! ;)
Your favorite sport to watch on TV?: ew...nothing. Oh wait Ice Skating!
Favorite TV show (Still running or ended)?: Heroes!! I love Buffy too and the
Your Favorite number?: 4
Your favorite letter(s) of the alphabet?: S & Z
Favorite fast food restaurant?: McDonalds!
Who is your favorite Disney Princess?: Belle...and Jasmine
What would you consider your favorite T.V. station?: e4
Favorite names for a son?: Hayden, Cameron, Shai
What about favorite names for a daughter?: Kaida...I have lots more but can't remember any now!
What is your favorite part of your life right now?: The fact that I've met my (Non lesbian) soul mate and everything isn't crap!
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Alcoholic or non?: Alcohol all the way baby! My poor liver
Long relationships or one night stand?: both :)
Scary movies or comedies?: Comedies
Short or long hair?: both!
Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons
Beach or lake?: Beach
Cowboys or Indians?: Indians
Cops or Robbers?: Robbers!
Single or Group Dates?: Group as long as it's with Sam!
McDonalds or Burger King?: Mcdonalds :)
Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi max if it's diet....Coke if it's not
Starbucks or elsewhere?: Costa :P
Dogs or cats?: Dogs
Jay Leno or David Letterman?: whatever
Do you smoke?: Nope
Do you sing?: of course
Do you want to get married?: one day
Do you believe in yourself?: I do now!
Do you get along with your parents?: Most of the time
Do you go to church?: pffft hell no
Do you want children?: yep
Do you drink?: YES!
Do you like to travel by plane?: Love it
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday morning?: yeah!! well Saturday afternoon....I'm never up in the morning usually!
Do you have a teddy bear?: yeah a few
Do you like thunderstorms?: If I'm indoors I love them
Do you play an instrument?: yeah! Piano mostly
Do you think Jesus is great?: lol
Do you have any friends of the gay preference?: yeah lots
Do you consider yourself a party person or more apt to stay at home?: PARRRRRTAY!
Have you ever fired a gun?: not a proper one
Have you ever loved someone?: yeah
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?: lol all the time!
Have youe ever been with someone of the same sex?: not like that but I have kissed a girl (And I liked iiiit! ;) Just kidding)
Have you ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?: err most weekends
Have you ever cried for no reason?: Lots
Have you ever cut your own hair?: Lots!
Have you ever skipped school?: Lots!!!
Have you ever bungee jumped?: No I kinda want to tho
Have you ever punched someone?: a few times!
Have you ever been arrested?: :S one time
Have you ever broken into someone's house?: Not to steal stuff...
Have you ever participated in a crime without getting caught?: yessss!
List your top fears:: Losing the people I love, getting fat, spiders, heights, wet teabags
What bill do you hate paying the most?: All of them
What did you want to be when you were growing up?: Famous! Or an archaeologist, or a translator
How many colleges did you attend?: 1
What errand/chore do you despise?: none of them really
A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?: OOoooh I dunno. I'm married to a girl!
How many joints pop when you get out of bed in the morning?: my back and my knees
What is the biggest amount of money you have made from a yard sale?: £50 at a boot fair...haha
What do you get every time you go into a Wal-Mart?: I'm gonna say ASDA instead...I get a blank book and some pens!
What are your views on marriage?: Do it!
What Hollywood star do you think resembles you best?: Looks wise?? Errm....I dunno! Amy Lee I guess but she's not hollywood.
Who from high school would you like to run into?: My friend Fran...miss her!
Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?: Ugh most of them.
If you could get away with it, who would you kill?: Nobody. I could never kill someone. I'd get someone else to do it though! And probably one of my exes and Osama Bin Laden if I found him!
What famous person dead or alive would you like to have dinner with?: Christina Aguilera!! Omg
How do you want to die?: peacefully and painlessly in my sleep
What do you want to achieve in life?: fame and happiness
How many jobs have you had?: a million
At this point in life, would you rather start a new career or relationship?: career
Number of drugs you have taken?: haha...several
Your most missed memory?: being in L.A
What are your first thoughts upon waking up?: today is gonna rock!
What goal would you like to achieve this year?: world domination. Or fame with our music!
Who would you like to see right now?: Sam. Oh wait there she is!
Are you still friends with your ex's?: a couple of em
What books are you reading (if any)?: None right now. I did start one called Manic about someone with bipolar but I've stopped it for a while
What are your regrets?: No regrets. Just life!
What song best describes your love life?: YMCA....just kidding! I don't bloody know. Something crap!
Who do you stalk on MySpace?: Christina Aguilera...Lol...and Sam Honey!!
Do you cheer for the bad guy?: Sometimes :P The good guy has to win
What do you want when you are sick?: a hug!
What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?: Radio 1
Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?: in my mouth?!
What country would you most like to visit?: America/Australia
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1 but I put my head under it
What is the best way you document your life?: with music and pictures
Love and Romance...: Hot Sex
Music...: Sam
School...: ew
Politics...: ew!
The internet...: yay

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Wednesday 9 April 2008



Sunday 6 April 2008

22/3 Ashleigh's Bday!

Me and Andrea went out tonight for our friend Ashleigh's 18th Birthday at Jumpin Jaks in Maidstone. I don't really like's expensive and full of chavs (It didn't disappoint!) but it was nice to see Ash, bless her. She was a little worse for wear! We didn't actually get very drunk at all and had a very conservative (if expensive) night. I ran out of money within 15 minutes of getting there, and having 3 drinks. Ew! I know not to go there on a saturday night ever again. I'll stick to River Bar thankyou very much... free to get in and 1.50 a drink! Anyways, Happy Birthday Ashleigh :P Mwah!!!!

Gig 5: Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight (trio)

We got a bit more of a lay-in today after getting in at 5 again last night because the ferry crosses to the Isle of Wight from Limington, which is only about half an hour away from where Andrea's parents live in Bournemouth. I haven't been on a ferry in years! It was fun, we got to drive on and get right at the front to be the first ones off, but as usual *someone* (cough...Andrea...) needed the toilet at the worst moment possible, right at the end when we had to get off! Luckily she got back to the van *just* before we had to drive so we didn't end up holding everybody up on the ferry. The Isle of Wight is really scenic, I loved it. Thorness Bay is a cute little Park Resorts park where Andrea did a season with her old band, so this brought back memories for her! The entertainments manager was "Boiled Egg" another guy who knows Matt and My Dad from WAy back when they were resident band at Devon cliffs in 97-98. Always someone you know! Ha. We had a fantastic gig here!!! The ents team, especially Egg, were amazing at getting the crowd going. It felt like how Park holidays should feel, how they used to be! It was great and we really really enjoyed ourselves. Even in clingy, shiny seventies sparkly outfits that I look silly in! We got the ferry back to Mainland at 2 in the morning and got in between 5 and 6am, having to unload our stuff in the early hours again....gross! Looking forward to the big gig run next week, and Lewis joining the band! We're rehearsing Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

Gig 4: Trecco again!

Back to Trecco, in another hire van because Matt's van is SO late being ready. He is not happy! Anyways at least this van is semi-comfortable and has heating! Not too much interesting happened today, it was a good gig tho :) Me and Andrea like to have a drink before the second set sometimes because it makes it more fun, we love it anyway though! We had a caravan to get ready in, not to stay over in and it was GROSS. It was so minging! They hadn't cleaned it since the cabaret that stayed there last who must've been pigs because they left ALL their dirty washing up as well as a filthy bin full of rubbish. Have some respect people! Grr. We stayed at Andrea's Parents' house again and they made our stay as lovely as ever bless them.

Gig 3: Back to Trecco (Trio)

Not much to write about this one because we were here the other day but it was good today too, not quite as good as the first time but good anyway! Another lovely journey in the freezing van all the way back to Kent and then we had to unload all our equipment into our lock-up at 5 in the morning....lovely! We'll be back at Trecco later this week, we're here a few times as a trio.

We had a few days off before our next gigs so I did a couple of days at my waitressing job to get a lil bit of extra cash. It pays rubbish though if you don't get any tips!