Wednesday 2 January 2008

Happy New Year!

I haven't managed to write in here for the last few days, mostly because I've had such a bad headache I can't look at the letters on the screen for too long. I used to get headaches when I used computers but I forgot about them, and I hope they don't carry on because I've had this one for about a week!
Hopefully everyone had a fantastic new year! I had my last gig with my band Demand on new year's eve and after we sorted out a few sound problems it was fun :) This is what the room looked like without the guests in it:

After work Me and Andrea had a few drinks and went down to the Blues Rock Cafe for a bit of a dance, but she ended up being too drunk and fell asleep, haha! I'll post the new year pics up soon.

There was some other stuff I meant to write about but I've completely forgotten what it I'll just post some pics of me and my mum, dad, lil sis Yasmine and lil Bro Peter at a gorgeous meal we had on Sunday at a local pub called the Orchard Spot. Those were the best roast potatoes I've had in ages (Apart from my mum's!).

I'm off out tonight for my friend Sarah's 20th birthday so I'll probably have a few funny photos to post on here tomorrow!

While you're here, please check out this wonderful blog, it's my favourite and her boys are SO cute!

That's about it for now, if I remember what I was going to write I'll come back and post it! FinaDrea

Word of the day: Fanfaronade
fanfaronade \fan-fair-uh-NAYD; -NOD\, noun:
1. Swaggering; empty boasting; blustering manner or behavior; ostentatious display.
2. Fanfare.