Thursday 27 December 2007


Seeing as my first post is at Christmas time I thought I'd write one about the time of year and what's been going on!

Every year at Christmas was always the same when I was little, always really magical and we always had a brilliant time with the family. There'd always be presents under the tree, and my mum would put a present on the end of our bed that we could open straightaway in the morning (Tho we always waited up for her to do it and pretended we were asleep so we could open it there and then!). Then when we woke up a big present each from Santa would be hidden somewhere around the house, usually with a letter from him! It'd always be the biggest thing we wanted, like a bike or something big like that.

My mum would cook a gorgeous Christmas roast dinner and after a few hours of playing with our new toys we'd eat dinner, pull the crackers and afterwards we'd either see some of our close relatives or, after I was about 11 and had met my real grandparents on my dad's side, we'd go see them in Upchurch. I always loved going to see nan and grandad! My mum's parents died years before so it was nice having grandparents again when I met my dad. They always made it so sweet, a few presents each but really thoughtful ones, and you could tell my nan was the brains behind it all, my grandad usually just sat there with his can of bitter and a christmas hat on! She always made really nice stuff in the oven too, and then we'd all sit around and watch a bit of Christmas telly while the grownups (and me after a certain age) had a bit of a chat. Aww I loved those days :) I really miss them.

Things change, though, and kids grow up! My nan died just over 2 years ago now, and it left a big hole in our family, especially at christmas time, and the first Christmas without her was especially hard, but we made it more exciting the next year by going on holiday to Lanzarote to see my Uncle Mark (my dad's hilarious brother).

This year was our first Christmas without my Grandad. It wasn't as hard as without nan, because he's been ill for a while, and nan dying was a shock. In fact it was quite a release for grandad.

So, enough about the sad stuff, it's Christmas!!!! We had a wicked time this year, really different, and that's my point. As long as you're family are around you it doesn't matter what you do at Christmas time because you're surrounded by people you love who you can have a laugh with! My mum's cousin Kathy came around with her boyfriend Matty for Christmas dinner, and Kathy's always a laugh! That was the first time I'd ever met Matty and it's a huge shame because he's fabulous and I wish I'd known him longer, even though he's apparently been with Kathy for 3 years now. He's sooo funny, a really hyperactive guy from South-East London with Jamaican heritage and the funkiest dreadlocks ever, which I funked up even more with the Gem-Styler I got for Christmas from my mum&dad. He's had a bit of a tough time but he's come through it so well, and he kept saying how blessed he was to have met our family. I was telling him it's the other way round! He said this was the best Christmas he's had since he split up with his ex and had to leave his 2 daughters, which made me feel so good. I'm so glad he loved it here, and had fun, because that's what my family's all about.

We also all sat around playing buzz...I didn't join in because I'm too good ;P (pic below - me, Peter, mum)

In the evening, my mum's sister Pauline came over with her partner Bernie and my 2 cousins Michelle and Lauren who are in their teens. Everyone had a few to drink (I had the least - only 2 drinks which is nuts for me, but I find it really hard to get drunk around my family!) and me and my dad played a few duets on our upright piano, which is always so much fun! Then my dad brought in his keyboard (a Kawaii MP5 - the same as my new one) and his amp with a microphone and we all sat around singing and playing and had a wicked time. Matty Especially loved it, something new and fun and different for Christmas. What a great night it turned out to be!

I didn't even mention my presents really, but I got everything I asked for, including a digital video camera, so I can't complain! Not that I would anyway...

Boxing day used to be all about the relatives like aunts, uncles, cousins, and distant family, but as the years have gone by and the older generations have left us we've concentrated more on our close family. It's too much money to buy for everyone you know, so we send cards and of course we see eachother between xmas and during the new year. This year we just chilled out on boxing day, someone tidied the mess from xmas night up before I got up thank god! And then we just relaxed. My mum's been really ill (Flu, maybe?) so she really needed the down-time. It was really nice for me having a few nights off work over Christmas (gigging with my band at Gillingham football club, for Christmas functions - great fun!) but I really miss being on stage, and can't wait for our new year's eve gig! Visit our band site if you fancy it

I hope everyone reading this had a fantastic Christmas, and all the best for the new year. Let's make 2008 a great one! I'm off to play with my pressies now.....speak soon!

Stace xoxoxx



I've decided I'm going to do a new word a day (Some of them I already know but some I don't) because it's good to learn something new every day, and if you already know the words, then good on you! Today's word is Apotheosis, which is of greek origin:
apotheosis \uh-pah-thee-OH-sis; ap-uh-THEE-uh-sis\, noun;
plural apotheoses \-seez\:
1. Elevation to divine rank or stature; deification.
2. An exalted or glorified example; a model of excellence or perfection of a kind.
