Wednesday 30 January 2008


Sometimes I just wanna scream! Everything is stupid! lol, I hate public transport. I just got back from TRYING to catch the bus but it was early and srove straight past me when I was on the way to the bus stop, grr! It was quite important because I had an appointment at the job centre (lol). The thing is I need to go get some stuff done at the dentist and as I'm not eligible on the NHS it's gonna cost me like £120, which is not somethin I can afford right now but I don't want my teeth to go all gross! So I was thinking, you have to be on some kind of benefits to get free dental work, and I'm actually eligible for jobseekers' allowance because I'm not working at the moment. So I applied online and had an appointment at Maidstone Job Centre for this morning but missed the bloody bus so had to reschedule (they don't have many appointments but I got one for next tuesday). The worst thing is I coulda stayed in bed and got the extra couple hours of sleep I need before tomorrow because the band and I have a really important audition to see if we can get 6 nights a week for like 25 weeks this season (fingers crossed!). Right I'm off again on the bus now...I better not miss it again! I'm going to rehearse at Matt and Andrea's house for the audition but gotta get to chatham to get a separate bus to
Got some pretty pics of Maidstone to upload later.