Sunday 27 January 2008

Fairy wings and Glitter Balls!

We had such a great night last night! It was Andrea's Birthday on thursday so me and her were celebrating that, and my mum and her friend Wendy went out too but seperate from us, and we ended up meeting a few times.
Andrea met me at my house and I gave her some wings I'd made her for her bday (black and gold to match the dress she was wearing) and a wand and a tiara.....just to make her stand out more for her bday! Lol :)
We started off going to River Bar cos my brother Jaimie dropped us off outside there and it was really good! The music was ok (I don't care that much as long as there's a good beat, and Andrea just loves to dance!) and it was only 1.50 a drink, I loved it! So we danced a bit in there, and my mum and Wendy came and met us, they were a lil drunk but hilarious! And after that we split up and me and Andrea went to meet our friend Hayley and a couple of her friends in Ethos, which is good but more expensive! But we met a lovely lady called donna in the toilets and had a random chat, took LOTS of photos as usual! We finished off the night back in River Bar cos we love it....and my mum ended up back in there on her own to meet us to go home (Her friend got a taxi back to her house) and ended up getting the whole of River Bar singin "Stacey's mum has got it goin on!" Aaaaaargh! Lol...there are some great photos on facebook in the River Bar Saturday Nites group (Pretty sure you have to be a member of facebook to view. Here are some crazy pics (Click to enlarge!):