Wednesday 23 January 2008


Hi :)
I'm sittin here really late as usual (2.20am!) and watching Sally Morgan - Star Psychic, which I love and it's made me really want to go see a psychic myself! So I looked them up and apparently there's one of the UK's top Psychics in Maidstone called Yvette Tamara. I read a few reviews and she seems good so I think I'm going to go, but it's £45! Hopefully I'll get as much out of it as I hope for. I'm really synical about these things, being so scientifically minded I can't physically see how it's possible but I've always been intrigued and would love to be proved wrong! The main thing I really want to know about it my life and where it's going because at the moment I have no idea, and I hate that so much! I really want to do something great but I'm so bad at knowing what to do and motivating myself, and also accepting that things aren't just going to happen - I have to do something!

Anyways, when I've been to that I'll post it up in here. I heard about a temporary job in Japan in The Stage, but I'm slightly scared of that!

Me and my mum watched a film called "If Only" starring Jennifer Love Hewitt and Paul Nicholls (randomly!). And it was really good (apart from a few spots of bad acting from the extras), it brought tears to both me and my mum's eyes. See what it's about by clicking HERE. It reminded me a lot of P.S I love you, although not quite as good!
That's all for today (Oh, and Happy Birthday Andrea!!!! - technically yesterday)


Word of the day (A new one for me): Nebulous
–adjective 1. hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused: a nebulous recollection of the meeting; a nebulous distinction between pride and conceit.
2. cloudy or cloudlike.
3. of or resembling a nebula or nebulae; nebular.