Monday 21 January 2008

Fun :)

Not that much has happened in the last few days but we did have a fab night out on Saturday!
Me and Andrea went out into Maidstone at about 10 and started off in Society Rooms Wetherspoon to have a couple of cheap drinks but it didn't really work out that way because the bar man was really confusing!
So we ended up paying more than we had to but we got over it. Then we went to Road house where these 2 random weird guys kept trying to dance with us with this glittery Cowboy hat....soooo funny! We'd sat upstairs on the sofa chatting etc for more than an hour so it was good we did some dancing!
After a couple of hours of fun there we went to try to go into Strawberry Moon's but it was too late to get in so we tried to go into the Loft but on the way we ended up in a Pub where they had Karaoke! We realised a few minutes after getting there that it was a gay pub but we loved it! We played a little bit of pool with some randoms (Not very well due to the drunkenness!) and then actually sang Karaoke...oh noooo! Lol. First we sang I'll stand by You and then Valerie (maybe some others in between but I can't remember!) I remember it was really embarrassing though! Especially when other people tried to sing and Andrea got really mad because they couldn't sing in tune...I was trying to explain to her that's the whole point...haha. They can't all be professional singers!
Then after LOTS of crazy dancing from la Andrea around the pub, she sat on a chair with me and we both fell off and ended up on the floor...sooo funny but V embarrassing because everyone in the whole pub was looking at us! (I think they thought we were a couple or being a gay pub) They definitely thought we were
Then Matt (Andrea's fiance) said he was going to pick us up which saved us a taxi fare! We got chips and cheese (bad girls!) and I gave my number to the guy in the kebab shop so I could get them for free, and I thought I gave him the wrong number but I obviously didn't because he keeps calling me! Hahaha.
The joys of alcohol! Have some pics :)

I've been applying for jobs on The Stage all day so I'm gonna go back to that now (Fingers Crossed!)


Word of the day (I Love this one!): Effusive
effusive \ih-FYOO-siv\, adjective:
Excessively demonstrative; giving or involving extravagant or excessive emotional expression; gushing.