Wednesday 16 January 2008

I miss work!

Just a quick post today because I have to get on with backing up my laptop so I can restore the factory settings (It's been going wrong for AGES!).

Me and Andrea were going to go out to bingo today (Nobody could make the night out we were going to go on), but we were a bit too late so we went for a meal at Old Orleans in Maidstone instead and we both had Mushroom Chicken Mushroom ("So good they named it twice!") and it was really nice and we got crayons and drew all over the disposable tablecloth which was v fun! I love the toilets in there because they have piano-keys on the ceiling randomly!

Anyways I'm getting so bored not working on stage and can't wait to get back into it! Hopefully it will only be a few more weeks before we get back into the swing of things. I hate not doing anything, and I've applied for a few random jobs but I don't wanna get into anything dead-end. I really want to start something with my art (I know I've said this before) because I feel like I'm wasting it by not doing anything. It's just really hard to get into and I can't make any commitments because I want to tour with the band in the summer! Why does everything have to be so difficult?! Oh well, I'm getting a few things sorted at a time.


Word of the day (LOL!): Tarradiddle
tarradiddle \tair-uh-DID-uhl\, noun:
1. A petty falsehood; a fib.
2. Pretentious nonsense.