Tuesday 15 January 2008

The Phantom of The Opera

What can I say? Wow! I took mum to see the Phantom today and what a great show! We went to the matinee at 2.30pm but arrived about 1.45, and went to pick up our tickets, but they weren't there! After checking emails and phoning about we discovered that our seats in the second from front row (in the centre) of the stalls had been double booked! So the very nice man behind the ticket office wrote us a ticket for new seats in the Royal Circle and they were SO much better because we were right at the front and could see absolutely everything that was going on!
The scenery is some of the best I've ever seen, it's se detailed and clever. There were lots of set-changes and my favourite (though so hard to choose) had to be the lake under the theatre, with the smoky water and moving boat. And their voices are incredible! It always amazes me how they can get so much control over their voices, particularly in opera, and in this one they're fantastic! My favourite character was Christine, but the Phantom was sooo charming, and sad at the same time. We LOVED it!

After the Theatre we did a bit of shopping in Trocadero at Leicester square (Mostly Claire's!) and went to Tiger Tiger which is one of my favourite restaurants in London. We had a gorgeous chicken caesar salad, actually the best salad I've ever eaten at a restaurant, and the whole bill only came to £18 for both of us, I loved it and so did mum. She said she had a wonderful day (if a little hungover haha) and she was so happy that I took her because she'd wanted to go for ages and didn't have a clue that I was taking her!
Yay :)
Check out the tourist Photos, lol:


Weight Loss Diary: Day 2: 9 stone 13lbs
Total weight lost so far: 6lbs (In a day! How weird!)

Word of the Day: Ebullient
ebullient \ih-BUL-yuhnt\, adjective:
1. Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited.
2. Boiling up or over.