Monday 14 January 2008

A week of fun!

Wow, it's been a week since my last post. It doesn't seem that long but time flies when you're having fun!
This is probably gonna be a really long post because there's so much stuff I've done in the last week and not posted!

I stayed with my cousin Peter, his wife Brooke and their daughter Brooke for a few days between Wednesday and Saturday :)
I've wanted to go stay with them for ages but haven't had the chance! So it was great to finally get down there.
Aimee came to pick me up on Wednesday, she was supposed to get to me at about 2 but when she was late I got a bit worried. Then she called me to say she'd broken down! Bless her, she was stood outside in the cold with Brooke and was stuck! Luckily my mum and dad came to the rescue. My dad had a look at the car and said unfortunately there was nothing he could do, so my mum came home from working with my dad early and brought Aimee to our house, leaving the car by the road near Maidstone, and picked me up and took us all back to Peter and Aimee's house. But the poor guys don't have a car that works now!

I had so much fun at their house. They Live in Ashford and there's a huuuuge Cineworld there, where me and Aimee and her friend Naiomi (A lovely girl :) ) and Naomi's family all went to see P.S I Love you.
I have to say (Sorry, Andrea!!! I know you don't wanna see it!) that it is the best movie I've seen in YEARS! It was so well written, with amazing acting all round (Hilary Swank never disappoints though). I'm not one to cry lots in a movie, I often get the odd tear, but this film had me sobbing almost all the way through! While most things that happen in the film are really happy, the underlying sadness keeps making you feel so emotional. Anyways, I'm not gonna spoil anything but go see it, it's amazing! :)

While I was there I took LOTS of photos of my lil cousin Brooke, she's so cute and SO clever for a 2 year old (Almost 3) but she has a little evil streak! Hehe.
She does this hilarious thing where she'll say "Bing bong, bing bong!" (it's a doorbell) and you have to say "who is it?" and she'll either say "it's meeee" or "I'ts lisa simpson" (She loves the simpsons) or "it's a policeman!" etc, lol. And you have to say "Come in!" and open an invisible door. LOL she's so funny. Sometimes she makes you pretend to sleep, you have to snoor, and she rings your doorbell. I have a video of this which I'll try to post soon :) In the meantime, have some pics!

(I look like I have a moustache in the last pic but it's just a shadow I swear! Lol)

They have a Wii in their house which is great, but addictive! We played on that when Naoimi and her bf Donald came over for the night, which was great fun but don't boys get competitive?! Haha. I asked for Donald to please get me a vodka and he said, ", you're not old enough!" And I was like, "What?!" and he thought I was 14!! 14!! That's soooo young, especially when I'm 21 lol. But we had a cool night. Then on the last day I walked around town with Brooke in Ashford, and lots of people thought she was mine, we must look alike! But she was SO well behaved in town, a normal 2yr old would make a big fuss but she was great. Love her and love Peter and Aimee and had a great time at their house so thanks for having me there guys!

It was my little brother Jaimie's birthday on Saturday the 12th, and when I got back from Peter's house we all went out for a meal at the Bull Inn at Penenden Heath near Maidstone. It was a great meal and lots of our family were there, as well as Jaimie's friend Hannah. After the meal me and Jaimie and Hannah went clubbing!
We went to Amadeus in Rochester, which was surprisingly good. It has had an awful reputation but it's changed so much and is actually really good! It is HUGE and has a built in Fast food place....perfect! :P
We danced lots and had a great night, Especially Jaimie (More of his friends met us there). I managed to get us all into the VIP area and bought us some champagne, which was expensive but I felt like it'd make the night a bit more special for J. the only bad thing (sorta) about Amadeus is that they don't I.D young girls! Hannah is 16 and they didn't look twice at her!

The next day (Sunday) we got up really early (gross and a bit drunk still from the night before!) and drove back to near Ashford to meet lots of our family and some of Jaimie's friends for Paintballing! What a laugh we had! I didn't get too many bruises (mostly because I sat out after 4 games and fell asleep in the car) But I have to say it's GREAT fun, even if a bit expensive! (By the way I got Jaimie a few lil bits for his car and also an Indoor Skydiving session!) Pics of meal and paintballing:

So all in all I've had a really eventful week. It's my mum's Birthday today and I got her Alicia Keys' album "As I Am" which she's wanted for a while, and I've got us tix to Phantom Of the Opera for tomorrow, in the West End which should be amazing, I can't wait! (She doesn't know yet!) Happy Bday Mum!

I'm planning a night out for Wednesday starting off with Bingo (lol) and then maybe a few light drinks and then some serious clubbing!!!! I'm pretty sure Andrea, Sonia and Hayley are going so it's gonna be great, can't wait for that either. I'm sure I'll tell you how everything goes soon! :)

Weight Loss Diary: 10 stone 5lbs - started Atkins diet today

Word of the day (might be using this one a bit...): Bibulous
bibulous \BIB-yuh-luhs\, adjective:
1. Of, pertaining to, marked by, or given to the consumption of alcoholic drink.
2. Readily absorbing fluids or moisture.