Monday 7 January 2008

Late nights

Last night I FINALLY fell asleep at 6am, I couldn't sleep at all! So I'm making a point of going to bed before 1am tonight and gonna try to make myself fall asleep. Part of the reason is this thing keeping me up! All I've really done today is chase up a few phone-calls to Promo companies who owe me wages, and I called up a Wetherspoons in Maidstone (Not the one I used to work in) to see if they had any jobs on offer, and they have a few so hopefully me & Andrea will both go work there because it'll be lotsa fun that way! I thought I wasn't gonna go back to bar work but the Society Rooms Wetherspoons is so much more light hearted and open than most, it feels nicer when you're in there. It's one of the only ones I've seen that wasn't put in an old but renovated building.

At the moment I'm trying to diet but finding it almost impossible! I start every day really well and by the evening I usually end up thinking up a reason to eat something bad! I really need to lose the 8lbs I put on over Christmas (Ew!). I'm thinking low carb because I know it works for me, and I know how to do it properly, it's just the getting into it that's hard. Also, I'm going to stay with my cousins from Wednesday until Saturday, and they will be eating normally so I'll have to start it after Sat. It will probably end up being Monday, but I'm finding it really hard to just eat normally! When I eat something with carbs in, I normally end up overdoing it, so I'm gonna have to try really hard to keep my willpower this week and just eat things in moderation and not late at night! My face gets so rounded so quickly when I put on a few lbs, and it really does go straight on around my midriff. So I must lose those 8lbs! I will update when I start doing it!

It's my brother Jaimie's 18th Birthday on Saturday, and I think we're having a big family get-together but I'm not sure because he keeps changing his mind about it. Whatever we do I'm sure he'll enjoy himself (If he remembers any of it - lol! 18 and legally allowed to drink!). I have no clue what to get him though. I was thinking something for his car, but he keeps getting those sorts of things and maybe he's bored of it. What do you get an 18 year old boy?! I'll have to think hard about it. Also, It's my mum's birthday on Monday, so I wanna think of something special for her too! I'm thinking of taking her to see a show but I have no idea which one, and If I'll have been paid in time. (Fingers Crossed).

It's also Andrea's birthday on the 23rd (Lotsa Bdays in Jan), and I know sorta what I'm getting her but I won't write it in here in case she reads it. We went to the cinema tonight due to extreme boredom! We saw St Trinians and I thought it was pretty good but Andrea wasn't so keen. It was a bit slow but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. Coulda done with a few more funny moments. And I thought Girls Aloud were supposed to be acting in it, I wanted to see how bad they'd be (lol) But they were just singing at the end so I missed out on that. I really like their songs and think they're great singers but I wish they'd get out of their own bums!

Oh also, check out my meez page! At the moment I've got her doing the Soulja Boi Dance (SO Chav) Loves it! :D >>>

Wow this turned out to be quite long, and I didn't think I had much to write! xoxoxx

Word of the day: Cupidity
cupidity \kyoo-PID-uh-tee\, noun:
Eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth; greed; avarice.