Sunday 6 January 2008

Dinner, Dancing and everything inbetween!

Ooops I've been really bad and not written on here for a few days (Again!):S
I've never been able to keep a proper diary or anything! Still gettin headaches from this thing I think which isn't good.
Anyways, so following up to the last but one post, I did go out for Matt's sisters birthday and we went to Jumpin Jak's in Maidstone, which was great, until I drank a lil bit too much and don't remember half the evening! There was a very funny moment when Andrea danced with a random man on the stage - it was hilarious, you can check it out on youtube under "andreastace".
As promised, here are a couple of pics from new year (Just me and Andrea messing about!) Warning: Do not let these 2 girls near alcohol!!!

Not much else has actually happened, I really need to get a job though! I've been jobhunting online for a temp job until the band are back up and touring but I really don't want to get into a really boring job, so hopefully I can get one with Andrea somewhere because then at least we'd have a laugh! My parents really want me to get another career, they're bugging me all the time to do something with my art, which is fine, but I can't afford to spend all my time at art School when I need money!

Today me, Mum, Dad, Peter and Yasmine all went for a meal at a Harvester near Maidstone which I personally thought was really good, I had chicken fajitas and it came on one of those sizzling hotplates and I loved it! Nobody else was as enthusiastic as me though, they thought it was all a bit bland. The thing I loved most was that you could have unlimited trips to the salad bar for free! I never knew that, but It's great! While we were waiting for our food, I drew this for my little sister (The Waitress was impressed! Lol):

Yesterday my cousins Peter and Aimee came over with their daughter Brooke who is almost 3. She's adorable but very clever and mischievous. I took a few photos of her including this one: (Which I made into a fairy - see below)

Also this one (Because my mum was trying to guilt-trip Brooke's parents into taking this Santa home because Brooke loves it and my mum doesn't want it anymore!):

I've just started doing these fairy pictures for people and I'm trying to start up a little website for it. You can see some more of my fairy pictures Here or on my art site Here! And if you have any requests, let me know!
Speak soon :)

Word of the day: Peregrination
peregrination \pehr-uh-gruh-NAY-shun\, noun:
A traveling from place to place; a wandering.