Monday 11 February 2008

Blah blah blah!

I really haven't felt like myself for the last couple of days. I know it's just PMS but It's so bad this month cos I feel like crying all the time and sometimes I just burst out laughing and I feel like a freak! Girls will know what I'm talking about, when everything's just fine and then one stupid little thing sets you off and that's it, you're in the worst mood ever! And it's SO frustrating not being able to control it! To top it off I'm covered in gross spots!!! Today and yesterday though everything has been getting to me a little bit more than usual and I think it's because I'm tired from working again. (I got a job at last!) I'm working in a huge pub in Maidstone which is really great and I get to keep my tips (woohoo!) so I'm using them to go out places which helps me save my theory! At the moment I'm mostly waitressing but hopefully I get behind the bar a bit more. I don't mind tho cos I'm enjoying the workout from all the walking and also loving the tips!

It was my little sister Yasmine's birthday yesterday and I didn't really see her cos she spent a lovely day out with mum but I got a couple of photos:

Andrea and I went to the cinema tonight and watched "Over Her Dead Body" which was quite good, but something was missing and we couldn't work out what exactly. Maybe it could have been a bit funnier? There were a few laugh out loud moments tho!

I've been doing some cartoons for my band and they've been really hard to do for some reason! I think that's partly due to the PMS though because normally I love doing it but this time seems to be particularly stressful. Here's the one of Matt(I'm still not happy with it!):

Jeez I've just looked at the clock and I can't believe it's 1am....I thought it was about 11! I hate that! I'd better go to bed (Yeah
Night Night xoxoxx