Sunday 17 February 2008

Wow, long time no write!

Woah I didn't realise how long it'd been since my last post because the week has gone so fast! Quite a bit of stuff has happened...Valentine's day (no big deal for me!), been working lots at the White Rabbit (waitressing) AND I went to the Lily Allen and Friends show!!!! I filled in the survey on her website a few weeks ago and thought nothing more of it but they called me on Thursday and on Friday me and my cousin Aimee got the train to Slough (Pinewood Studios) and got to be in the Audience, how exciting! We even had a great guy called Jim who picked us up from the train station and dropped us back there after (unfortunately we had to leave early because of our train home - otherwise we would have got to do a video message at the end!). The contact I had with the studios was called Reshmi and she was so sweet, and said she might be able to get us back on, and is going to get us tickets to the Friday Night Project! I'll post some pictures of this when I have a bit more time cos I'm working tomorrow so I gotta go to bed soon. The other day, on Valentine's day actually, I made over £35 in tips! Today though I made £43.15! I'm well chuffed, this job is great, I don't get stressed like I thought I would (well not always!) and I get great tips. I haven't even been paid yet but I've made about as much money from tips as I have from my wages. Touch wood!
I've just dyed my hair dark red, I fancied a change and I'm getting bored with being plain old me! It's a shame I'm working tomorrow because I wanted to go to jam nite and do a song. I can still go but I don't wanna do a song I haven't practised :( and I really wanna write some good stuff. Random snippets keep comin up in my head but what I really need is a few good whole songs. Gonna try to spend a whole day at home writing some time next week. Oh and I still have to do the band cartoons because they weren't right. I got so stressed over them and they weren't even right!
Oh well, gotta get some beauty sleep now! Night :)