Friday 29 February 2008

Family, Bands and my stupid scatterbrain!

I'm laying in bed writing this post! Can't get back to sleep....I know, I know, it's gone 9am but I'm a musician and we're not built for early mornings! Lol, I've had to get up at 7 the last few days to get my youngest brother off to School and it really doesn't agree with me (I go to bed at the earliest 2am...last night it was 3). He's 15 but has ADHD and slight Autism, and he goes to an amazing special school called Bower Grove. Bless him, he was telling me this morning how he's excited because he's doing his work placement today at Poppy's Pre-School, helping with the little kids...he's so cute! I can't believe he's doing 'work'. He may be 15 but he's tiny - not even 5ft tall, and definitely hasn't hit puberty yet. It doesn't seem like he ever will but when it does happen I don't think it's going to be a quiet time for our family (it never is with Peter!). He can be a handful sometimes - most of the time in fact, lol - but sometimes he is so lovely to be around. I've been playing Uno with him the past few mornings, and it gets him in a great mood before school, I love that. My mum's been ringing like 4 times a day every day...she's so paranoid! I'm not neglecting my little sister Yasmine(14) by the way, but she's so adult she more or less looks after herself! You would never know peter was younger than her! Here's a pic of them both, but Peter's wearing a wig and actually looks like a really pretty girl I think! lol, he does do strange things sometimes.

I went to my friend's brother's gig last night (Not til late - it finished at 11:30pm) and it was really good. His band are called Les Valentine and I like their music lots :) Had a great time. I went with Matt and Andrea (it was Matt's brother's band) and Matt's family. I love going places with Andrea, and people usually think we're completely mental! We were dancing quite crazily...haha. There was another band there called Rubylux, and they were great and had a GORGEOUS bass player. They came off stage and I proceeded to tell him that I thought he was gorgeous, I didn't mince my words either, what a fool! I'm such a dork sometimes I really am. I mean, who goes up to someone they don't even know and tells him he's gorgeous?! Me, and probably my mum! Hehe. He wasn't even interested, ha! He just wanted to sell me his band's CD, and I bought 2! What an idiot! Their music is good though.

I've still not had my other phone back after losing it with my purse on a night out. I have another phone, but I miss the old one mostly for the camera! I can't stand not having a camera with me wherever I go. I had a sony Ericsson K800i and while not being the best cameraphone out at the moment, it was really good for me! It had 3.2mp camera too which isn't half bad. I'm saving up right now for a Canon Digital Rebel camera. I saw it on This Blog and she has some amazing photos, I recommend checking her blog out too it's a great read and I'm hooked!

Ohh, P.S It's a leap year day isn't it! I wanna do something crazy but I'm not sure what! I should propose to someone...but who?! haha
