Tuesday 26 February 2008


Well...I didn't walk to maidstone but I did go swimming! I did over 30 lengths which made me feel great even if my legs ached a bit.
I did go out on Saturday but not with Andrea or Hayley...I went with the guys from work because Hayley ended up going out in Gillingham. It was fun at first but I wish I didn't go because I got my phone and purse stolen!!! How annoying :(
So unfortunately that means no photos for a good while. Especially seeing as I can't find my old digital camera either! :( Gotta have a look for that cos we can't have a decent blog without photos can we??

At the moment I'm at home looking after my youngest brother and sister because my parents went to Spain today to look at some Villas they might want to buy. Lucky them! :P
It's been a good day today, they're all tucked up in bed now. I made them dinner, put a movie on and gave them stuff to eat, then played pool with Peter while Yasmine watched TV. Tomorrow I was gonna put a film on for them but we watched Evan Almighty tonight so they might be all filmed out! Hopefully the week will go OK :)
I'm not working tomorrow or Thursday, but I am on Friday night and Saturday Lunch time. Have been invited to Matt's brother Steve's gig in Brighton on Thursday night so my Sister Lintie is going to Babysit for me bless her.

Tomorrow should be a fun packed day of house tidying but for now I'm gonna go soak in the bath and then go to bed in my mum's VERY comfy double bed (Can't wait!). Night! xoxoxx

P.S You can read about my troubled weight loss efforts in my diet diary...not for the feint hearted!