Sunday 3 February 2008

Trip to London with Yazz & Andrea! :)

I haven't written properly in here for ages, I keep trying to but I can't ever think of what I want to write!
It's my little Sister Yasmine's birthday on the 10th of this month and I always do something special with her, the last couple of years I've taken her to London and we've made it a sort of thing that we do, so we did it again this year!
A year gone by! The first pic is from last year, the second is from this year :)

Last year I took her to see Avenue Q at the West End (Hilarious! Visit the site HERE! ) and she loved it! So this year I thought I'd take her again and I invited Andrea cos she was gonna be all by herself and I thought it'd be nice with all of us, and it was!
First we got the train from Rochester which takes about 40mins to London Victoria, and we took quite a few random Photos of ourselves as always!

When we got there we went to see if they had any tickets for Wicked(which is in the Apollo Victoria - right by the station) but all they had left were £60 seats and I don't think any of us would pay that!! So we jumped on the tube to Picadilly Circus to check out the ticket touts and see what they had to offer. Most shows were either fully booked or only had really expensive tickets left - or none for a group of three (It's SO hard to find three seats together on a Saturday night!), so after a few minutes trying to decide, the guy in the box office said he had some tickets for the Woman in Black, in the front 2 rows, so we said yeah because Yazz really wanted to see it and Matt mentioned it to me and Andrea so we were up for that.
The show wasn't till 8 so we had some time to kill and went on the tube again to Camden (I love it there!) to check out the markets and stuff, and it was wicked! We went into a shop that I love called Cyberdog which is like a club and a shop with really loud music and insane clothes and makeup! (It was a bit loud in there for Andrea which shocked me!) We also ate the biggest donuts fact I don't think we stopped eating all day, lol! The tube was hilarious. Andrea freaked out every time someone coughed, and she was sat opposite me and Yaz next to this really funny little oriental lady who kept laughing at nothing! (She's in the pics)

Eventually we arrived at the Theatre (after searching for a while!) and it was really cute and little. We were sat right in the front which was great for £23 each! Me and Yasmine were in row A and Andrea was just behind us in row B which coulda been a problem but it worked out OK. The play was good considering there were only 2 actors (Not including the ghost!) but it really wasn't my sort of thing. It wasn't scary enough, though it did make me jump in a few places, and it would have been much better with more people in it, though the two actors did a great job. Andrea wasn't really into it either, but at least Yasmine loved it! (She loves anything!). So I don't know if I'd recommend it because I'm more into all the musical stuff (I would never have said that 3 years ago!!), although if you fancy a short, quiet play that's a bit reserved and a little bit jumpy then it might be the thing for you.
We did have a fantastic day though and got back home just before midnight. Here are a few more pics from the day! :)
