Tuesday 11 March 2008


Uh oh, I didn't realise how long it'd been since I last posted in here. I've been putting it off cos I find it really hard to write when i'm not in the mood, and not many people read this anyway! I'm trying to figure out how I get notified when I have comments etc, because I don't think I receive emails about it. I also wanna know how to monitor my blog traffic...does anyone know?

Obviously stuff has happened since my last post, but not that much surprisingly! I went out last Tuesday to Source Bar in Maidstone and (as usual) got myself into a bit of trouble, this time though it was at the expense of others and I felt really bad. We were having a fab time, out for Jenny's (a girl I know from work) birthday. I saw a few people I know from years ago - one being a bit of an old flame of mine (that makes me sound old..ha!). Anyway, I left my bag with my friends from work and asked if they'd look after it, and I went outside with the guy for a chat/catch up, and ended up in a taxi on the way back to his house, as you do (Not to *DO* anything like that!). But I completely forgot about my bag and my phone, and my shoes in fact (which were my faves but are now lost :( !) and stayed over at my ex's house...because I was V drunk and irresponsible! This caused SO much trouble.
They looked for me EVERYWHERE! Called my parents, even had the police out looking for me. I felt so awful, and haven't even known these guys that long, what must they think of me?! Gah. Well they've all been fine with me since, thank god, and my parents are fine. Except this guy who works in the Kitchen but I think he's rude anyway! I just bug myself sometimes, because I'm like two different people, and one of me just loves doing bad things and getting in trouble, and the other is the one who has to pick up all the pieces the next day....GRR! Also, I WANT MY SHOES! If anyone has a spare pair of dark silver-heeled shoes from New Look in a size 8, I'd love to hear from ya! hahaha.

Nothing much else has happened, I've been working...learning to drive (Have another lesson tomorrow). We had a lovely mothers' day. I set up a little display with gifts and balloons ready for my mum when she got back from Spain, and we made a welcome home banner for her and my dad (awwww :P). It's great to have them back, and they found a Villa they like...fingers crossed that they get it! I don't know why but the kids seem to be a lot naughtier when my parents are around. Especially Peter, maybe it's because he has ADHD and craves their attention more. Hmm....

The band and I start gigging on Friday! We start off at Trecco Bay in Wales as a three piece, and then go up to a 4 piece with our New Guitar Player Lewis in April! Can't wait!

Me and Andrea went to see the film Untraceable the other day, which was quite good but could have been scarier! Click Here for a cool website relating to the film...don't worry - it's not real!

I'm going to bed now, gotta get up and drive tomorrow! (Well, not til 1)...I have actually managed to get my bedtime down to between 10pm and 12:30am for the last week or so, rather than 3, 4 or even 5am like before. And my getting up time has been about 9 or 10 because of work - that's great for a musician! Lol, no offence to those musos who get up at the crack of dawn. Anyways, if my Dad's snoring doesn't keep me up forever, I'm gonna catch some Zs....nite nite!
